A luxurious single blend tea with rich Indian Spices. Undo your evenings with this rich malty cup drawing flavours from pure tender tea tree strands. With Health inducing abilities a simple warm brew would help you Relax & De-Stress. Detach from your machine daily life in an instant with one cup of Golden dip tea and immerse youself in the adventure of unadultrated true flavours of traditional Assam tea.
Taste Notes:
With right preparation the tea gives off a rustic zest with a soothing nutty taste leaving a soft sour after taste. The taste is crafted to perfection that anyone can encounter in the very first sip!
From Garden to your tea cup!
Golden Dip Tea 100gm
Rolled tea leaves,
Brewing Instructions:
- For 1 cup of Tea, start by adding 250ml in a vessel.
- heat the vessel upto 90˚-95˚C.
- A temprature between 90˚-95˚is best for infusion, now add 3g of tea leaves to the vessel.
- Infuse the leaves for 2-3 minutes, Let it rest for a minute.
- Consume with a subtle warmth of around 70˚C to experience its supreme taste!